Write An application to your Headmaster for a full free studentship

Explore a compassionate plea for educational support with our sample application for a full free studentship, crafted by Nazrul, a dedicated student facing financial challenges. This concise request highlights the need for assistance to continue academic pursuits at Uttara High School, Dhaka.

Apr 16, 2024 - 18:00
 0  443
Write An application to your Headmaster for a full free studentship
Write An application to your Headmaster for a full free studentship

Suppose, you are Nazrul, a student of Uttara High School, Dhaka. Your father is a shopkeeper. He con not bear your educational expenses. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for a full free studentship.

7 may, 2022

The Headmaster

Uttara High School


Subject: Application for a full free studentship.


I have the honour to inform you that I am the first boy of class seven in your school. I am from a poor family. My father is a shopkeeper. He is unable to bear my educational expenses.

In this situation, I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship.

Yours faithfully,




Write An application to your Headmaster for a full free studentship.

Date: 29/05/2024

The Headmaster
Uttara High School

Subject: Prayer for a full free studentship.

Respected Sir,

I beg to state that I am a student of class 10 of your school. My father is a shopkeeper and his income is not sufficient to support my educational expenses. Under these circumstances, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to continue my studies.

Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me a full free studentship so that I can pursue my education without financial strain. I assure you of my best efforts in my studies.

I hope you will consider my situation sympathetically.

Yours obediently,
[Insert Class and Section]

Application for Full Free Studentship 

Date: 26/04/2024

The Headmaster
Uttara High School

Subject: Request for a full free studentship.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to inform you that I am a student of class 07 at Uttara High School. My father's earnings from his shop are not enough to cover my school fees and other educational costs.

I am in need of financial assistance to continue my education. I request you to kindly provide me with a full free studentship. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my application.

Class 7

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